This website is no longer being updated. For current information, please see my USGS profile or google scholar profile.

I am a computational scientist studying complex biological dynamics in changing and human-influenced environments. Using mathematical and computational models, I advance theory on how ecological and evolutionary dynamics interact in human-dominated systems, and develop inference methods to connect this theory to data. I strive to produce actionable, policy-relevant science. For more details, see Research Themes, my Publications, or Google Scholar.

I am currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Resources for the Future (RFF), a non-profit environmental economics research institute in Washington, DC. At RFF, I work on several projects funded by SESYNC modeling socio-environmental systems to inform policy and management.

My research and current work draw on my previous experiences:

  • developing methods to parameterize demographic models from genomic data (with Brad Shaffer and Peter Ralph),
  • building theory for how environmental stochasticity affects population persistence given eco-evolutionary dynamics (with Luis-Miguel Chevin and my Ph.D. supervisor Marissa Baskett,
  • modeling the effects of coastal salmonid aquaculture on ecological and evolutionary dynamics of sea lice and wild salmon (with Marty Krkosek and my M.Sc. supervisor Mark Lewis).

Research Themes

